Why Good Cables Make a Big Difference to Fast Charging

Why Good Cables Make a Big Difference to Fast Charging

We all love our smartphones, right? They are our constant companions, our personal assistance, and our entertainment devices. But there are a few things we don’t love about them: their battery life and slow charging.

No matter how advanced or powerful our smartphones are, they still run out of juice sooner or later. And when that happens, we have to plug them in and wait for them to charge. This can be frustrating, especially when we need to use our phones urgently or when we don’t have access to a power outlet.

Fortunately, there is a way to fast charging: by using the right charging cables. Yes, you heard that right. The cables that you use to charge your phone can make a big difference in how quickly and efficiently your phone charges. They can also affect how long your phone and battery last.

In this blog post, we will explain why good cables make a big difference to fast charging and how to choose them.

What is fast charging?

Fast charging is a technology that allows your phone to charge faster than normal by increasing the power output of the charger. The power output of a charger is measured in watts (W), which is the product of voltage (V) and current (A). For example, a standard 5W charger delivers 5V at 1A, while a 10W fast charger delivers 5V at 2A or 10V at 1A or above.

The higher the power output of the charger, the faster it can charge your phone. However, there is a limit to how much power your phone can accept. This limit is determined by the battery capacity and chemistry of your phone, as well as the charging protocol that your phone and charger use.

To use fast charging, you need a phone and a charger that support the same. Otherwise, your phone will charge at a lower speed or not at all. You also need a charging cable that can handle the high-power output of the charger and deliver it to your phone without significant losses. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing Cables

Factors to Consider When Choosing Cables

If you want to charge your USB devices faster, you need to pay attention to few things when choosing a charging cable for your device. Charging cables are not just simple wires that connect your device and charger; they are complex components that can affect charging speed and efficiency. However, not all cables are created equal. Some cables are better suited for fast charging than others.

When choosing a cable for fast charging, you should consider the following factors:

  • Compatibility: The cable should be compatible with your phone’s port and your charger’s protocol. For example, if you own an Apple device, make sure to use Apple charging cables. If your phone has a USB Type-C port and your charger supports USB PD, you should use a USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable that supports USB PD. If your phone has a Micro-USB port and your charger supports QC, you should use a USB Type-A to Micro-USB cable that supports QC.
  • Certification: The cable should be certified by the relevant authorities or organizations that regulate the quality and safety of cables. For example, if you use a USB Type-C cable, you should look for the USB-IF logo, which indicates that the cable has been tested and approved by the USB Implementers Forum.
  • Specification: The cable should have clear and accurate specifications that indicate its performance and features. 
  • Material and Build Quality: Pay attention to the materials used in the cable's construction. Nylon-braided charging cables stand out in this category thanks to their durable and protective woven nylon outer layer. This added layer enhances their overall build quality, making them a reliable choice for cable durability and longevity.
  • Review: The charging cable should have positive and trustworthy reviews from other users who have used it for fast charging. You should read the reviews carefully and look for any feedback on the speed, efficiency, reliability, and safety of the cable.

Benefits of Using Good Cables for Fast Charging

Benefits of Using Good Cables for Fast Charging

Using good cables for fast charging has many benefits, such as:

  • Faster Charging Speed: A good cable can deliver more power to your phone in less time, resulting in faster charging speeds. For example, a 10W fast charger paired with a good cable can charge your phone up to 50% faster than a 5W standard charger paired with a bad cable.
  • Higher Charging Efficiency: A good cable can minimize power losses due to voltage drop, resistance, and heat generation, resulting in higher charging efficiency. This means that more power is converted into useful energy for your battery, rather than wasted as heat or noise.
  • Longer Battery Life: A good cable can prevent overcharging, overheating, or short-circuiting of your battery, resulting in longer battery life. Overcharging occurs when your battery receives more power than it can store, causing it to swell or leak. Overheating occurs when your battery gets too hot due to excessive current or resistance, causing it to degrade or explode.
  • Better Device Protection: A good cable can protect your phone and charger from damage due to power surges, spikes, or fluctuations, resulting in better device protection. Power surges are sudden increases in voltage that can fry your devices’ circuits or components.

Common Misconceptions About Cables and Fast Charging

Common Misconceptions About Cables and Fast Charging

If you want to charge your phone faster, you might think that any cable will do. You might also think that the longer, thicker, or pricier the cable, the better. However, these are some of the common myths that can mislead you or harm your phone. 

  • Any cable can support fast charging: Different cables have different specifications and capabilities. Some cables can support high power output and fast charging protocols, while others cannot. Using a cable that does not match your phone’s port or your charger’s protocol can result in slow or incompatible charging.
  • The thicker the cable, the better: The thicker the wires inside the cable, the more current they can carry. This means that they can support higher power output and faster charging speeds. However, this does not mean that you should use the thickest cable possible. Using a cable that is too thick can make it stiff, bulky, or heavy. It can also cause compatibility issues with some ports or cases.
  • The more expensive the cable, the better: The price of a cable does not always reflect its quality and performance. Some cables are overpriced or underpriced for their quality and features. You should not judge a cable by its price alone, but by its specifications and reviews.


Picking the right charging cable matters a lot for speedy and safe charging. This applies to all types of cables like USB to Lightning charging cables, USB Type-C cable, and USB Type-A cable. It can give your devices more power quickly. To choose the best cable, remember to check if it matches your device and has the right certifications. Look at its specifications and read what others have to say about it. Also, be aware of common misunderstandings about cables and fast charging.
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